
I'm a photographer. I have a social media presence. Do I need a website? Yes.

I don't know how to set up a website. Will my social media platforms suffice? Perhaps, but you'd be mashed together with different types of content and spam posts.

Yeah, but at least it's gonna be super easy to find and show off. If it's easy you want, then pulling your phone out and heading straight to your own domain takes the trophy. Your website will serve as a pocket-gallery that looks awesome on all mobile devices.

Oh... So my own website is kinda like my own permanent exhibit, huh? Yep. Pretty much. You're the artist and the curator.

Ugh! That sounds like a lot of work. It's not. You choose a website template that fits your style, upload your media and info and start sharing. You want people to pay attention to your work and, ultimately, pay for your work.

And with a little help from the support team, our beloved photographer got their own show in no time. The online expo is growing by the day, and so does the client list.

Washington DC

